Clergy Photo Identification Cards
Clergy identification cards are offered as a service to clergy to facilitate their recognition in hospitals, prisons and other public facilities.
Pastors may request photo ID's for their Deacons.
Please note these cards are the property of the Brooklyn Council of Churches and are non-transferrable. The card may be cancelled at BCC's sole discretion.
Joshua Generation Awards
Recognizes and encourages young people who exhibit extraordinary energy, leadership, and achievement in their churches, schools and or communities.
Programs and Services
The Brooklyn Council of Churches offers a wide variety of Programs and Services.
Baby Blanket Collection
Annually, the Council delivers hand-made baby blankets to the Family Justice Center, located in the Kings County District Attorney's Office.
The Family Justice Center located at 350 Jay Street, 15th floor, provides information and services for domestic violence victims in one location. Clients may walk in and choose which services they want, including counseling, advocacy, meeting with a prosecutor, shelter and housing help, and legal information - all while their children play safely in the next room.
Our next collection is December 13, 2013.
So get your needles and yarn ready!