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God Loves You!


Welcome, and thank you for visiting Brooklyn Council of Churches online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our council on this site, or come visit one of our churches.  We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

To unite Brooklyn Churches for the purpose of work that can better be done in union than in separation.  We seek to secure a larger combined influence for the churches in all matters affecting the religious, moral and social welfare of the people, so as to promote the application of the law of Christ in every relation of human life.


Our Mission


​Membership is on an annual basis Apply/Renew today.

Church SpotLight

The church we spotlight this week is Mt. Paran Baptist Church. The mission of Mt. Paran is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to educate, teach and train community residents in holistic living. 

Mt. Paran Baptist Church was organized in 1988 in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn under the leadership of the late Rev. John B. Elliott.  The goal was to address spiritual, moral and health concerns for our community.  The need to address and remediate  hunger in the immediate area of the church prompted Mt. Paran to establish a Soup Kitchen in 1992.  From these beginnings a Resource Center was developed, where clothing distribution, job referrals and counseling are provided.  As of 2010, The Resource arm of the Church is known as the Mt. Paran Community Development Corp.

This Week's Prayer

by Rev. Anita Burson​

O Eternal God of All, we thank you for this day and all the benevolent gifts of life you have bestowed upon us.

We ask your forgiveness of all our transgressions, those of commission and those of omission. We are contrite for our actions and ill deeds.

Oh, give us strength to resist temptation.

We are ever grateful, though undeserving, for your grace and mercy.

On this day we bring before you our cares and concerns for others.

We ask that you look upon the ill and infirm, those who hunger and thirst physically and spiritually, those without shelter.

We ask especially for the children, the defenseless and the aged.

Lead us as we serve the people you have commissioned us to serve.

Will you send a special unction of the Holy Spirit to the least of these who journey in this life?

We pray for justice in these unjust times.

Bless the faithful, give them courage and increase their belief.

O Eternal God, we praise you for your love beyond all bounds. You redeemed us with the life of your son, Jesus the Christ in whose name we pray,



Our Cross To Bear: True Stories of The People Behind The Pulpit

Have you ever wanted to write your story?  Now is the time!

Join us for Five Power Packed Workshops, where you will learn how to write the story of your journey to the pulpit!

Workshop Leader: Pastor Damele Elliott Collier

Author of "Fields of Gold" and "A Touch of Destiny"

Pastor Collier has an M.F.A in Creative Writing From Brooklyn College.  She teaches English at Medgar Evers College and is the Award Winning Director of "Hidden" a short film on young people and HIV.

Location:  Mt Paran Baptist Church

                   12 Schaefer/1665 Broadway

                    Brooklyn, New York 11207

Time: 7:30 P.M. -9:00 P.M. TBA

Cost: $150 includes Workshop materials and a copy of the Published Anthology.  This program is jointly sponsored by the Brooklyn Council of Churches and

Mt. Paran Baptist Church

If you would like to be a part of this powerful experience, please contact Dr. Aprele Elliott by e-mail

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